Okay. So I'm thinking of doing another online dating experiment. But this time one of the real ones, like one of the ones you pay for, instead of one of the free ones that attracts all the serial killers and panty fetish brain-damaged sex offenders. Just an idea. No commitment yet. Right now I have to focus on getting a job, because my current freelance gig turns into a pumpkin at the end of the month, and in doing so drying up my cash supply. So of course I spent this evening doing what anyone in my position would do. I played model and took a lot of pictures of myself. It made me feel better. But I simply cannot decide which pic would make a good profile photo.
1. Ooh, ha ha ha, hilarious AND sexy!
2. wholesome, yet slutty
3. Sodomized with taser
4. Pensive. Or stoned.
5. Come 'n get it boys (in my pants)
Thoughts, guys?
I'd go with the merry go round picture you have from December. But then again, I hate almost every picture I'm in.
You could put a picture of yourself wearing an orange prison jumper, being escorted by a burly prison matron and list your release date as "Mid-2008" and still get 1417 responses from all sorts of Men, and perhaps a few women too.
No matter which picture you chose, your going to be pummeled with responses.
oh Steve, thanks a million. I was thinking of doing something a la Ozzy, where I'm holding a rubber bat with no head and my mouth is oozing with strawberry jelly? But that might attract the wrong kind of man. Then again, if that kinda man is wrong, I don't wanna be right.
I actually meant that as a compliant. The direct translation is your hot, and your going to get 1.6 gadzilloin responses.
The scrunched up face one is my favorite. arring that,t he wholesome but slutty one. Oops, did my top just come down?
Always a good combination.
The pay sites are no guarantee for avoiding "all the serial killers and panty fetish brain-damaged sex offenders", as you have expressed your fear of.
The credit card companies will issue a number to anybody who can fill out the form, and sociopaths can answer the correct questions, but not believe that those answers apply to them.
Oh, and no matter what you do, based on population estimates, there is always a four per cent chance that your next date will be a sociopath.
Have a nice day.
Well Scooter,
that really freaked me out.
Mister Underhill, what happened to your picture?
Last one. Definitely the last one.
Why not the pic you use in your profile??
Well, look on the bright side: most sociopaths will never kill anyone.
I say go with the first one, but the 3rd is my personal favorite. i don't think i have ever seen you with that expression on your face before! probably for good reason.
Come and get it boys is a strong favorite with me. I mean, not just yours but women in general who give this look, they always make the world a better place.
well, this is truly a tough decision.
Mr. U...I agree about the 'oops' part, I do so enjoy what I like to call 'accidental sex'...how'd that get in there? Oh My!
Steve S...thanks for the compliment. Ow, I just done burned myself.
so@24, really the profile pic? But I have those asinine glasses on.
Scooter, I guess you have a point. I really have nothing against a good sociopath here and there.
Mrs. Redpants, I love your screen name! You are hilarious!
Memphis Steve, Yes I do agree that the world would be a better place with more of those looks. In fact, I am making it my personal responsibility to start improving the world right about...oh, now.
slutty is cool, without all the wholesome getting in the way.
I like the wholesome-yet-slutty one. Really gives off good vibes!
i like the 'wholesome n slutty' one :)
or the last one, that's nice too.
You are very cute in all of them, but I would go with #2.
Jeremy, Kali, Bunny and Obesio...
Thirty Helens Agree...wholesome yet slutty has it. I'm surprised though that no one likes the one of me getting tased up the ass.
I was changing my pic to something goofy and blogger didn't like it. I keep forgetting to fix it.
I say #1.
I also say don't do it. Can't you meet a nice guy at the library or church or the laundromat or the soup kitchen or MOMA or the dog run?
Or become a nun?
Redpants, don't you just wish. No, I cannot become a nun. And the laundromat guy hasn't called back. Plus, he keeps stealing my underwear.
I like number five. It's a very minxy pose. Sort of reminds me of Vivian Leigh.
Minxy! I love that!!! I'm totally using that word to describe everything I do from now on..."I was really minxy shaving my legs this morning..."
"I was dancing all minxy on the kitchen counter..."
I'll say #2!
Scooter is such a buzz kill, isn't he?
Can I advise you to use better lighting? The flash makes that shadow behind your head and with your dark hair (gorgeous hair, by the way) it just looks odd. I have the same issue with a flash. Use natural light, you'll look even better. (you're beautiful)
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