Yesterday at the Times Square station I saw a guy wearing a tshirt that said:
Now, I'd had a glass of white wine on a fairly empty stomach and was traveling at rush hour and sweating my balls off, but...
I don't understand what Bitchassness is.
I do worry, however, that I might suffer from it.
A Time To Go
5 years ago
I'm more concerned that you were able to sweat your "balls off"... I was under the impression you lacked balls.... Hmmmm.... Oh, still not sure what that other word is too.
oh, it's a figure of speech, Ron.
Or, is it?
Well... I know that I can smack her bitch ass down. Powder your balls and they won't stick to your leg.
You're too cute to have sweaty balls, my dear.
I am 100% sure I suffer from bitchassness most of the time. Especially today with PMS and all.
Perhaps he is a descendant of a mid western gangster, and was celebrating the fact that Elliot Ness is no longer alive?
What? It made sense to me...
Dumb shirt maker. Everyone knows it's bitch-assery.
i think the better question is: why the hell would you go to times square?
Sweating your balls off?????
Thats why we have briefs. Ones balls only become sweaty in boxers.
What was this post about?
Kim, Powder my...? Oh, right. You have brothers.
Cat, cute or not, I'm a sweaty, sweaty girl.
Scoot, What? Indeed.
Jack, Is Bitchassery the practice of Bitchassness? I get confused.
Jeremy, I wasn't IN the square, god forbid. I was just switching trains at the station. No way now how I be going there. That's bitchassery. Ha!
Steve, you're still high from your bike ride. You have to catch up on my blog. I forgive you.
Bitchassness is a bit like you sweating your balls off. It only makes sense if you're in the right frame of mind.
i want this t-shirt. for my kids, of course.
Bitchassness? At last a diagnosis for me!
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