I'm unfortunately at that point of the evening where if I'd listened to my poor little body and gone to bed two hours ago, I'd currently be drifting on a velvety pillow in the soft sea of warm sleep. But I didn't. I stayed up and did stooopid things on the internet (which shall remain nameless) and when I lay down to finally die a mini-death, I couldn't do it. I could not stop shifting my position and twisting my legs this way and that and flipping my pillow over and over and my eyes kept popping open. And also there were those drunk frat douches outside my window hocking lung boogers on the sidewalk in front of their Hummer. Godfuckingdamnit all to h-e-double hockey sticks.
So I decided to stop fighting it, and thought I'd blog instead. Of course.
Hi, Y'all!
A friend of mine (who shall remain nameless as well, but you know who the fuck you are) suggested to me today that I should write more heartfelt things on this blog. He even went so far as to say, "I'm tired of reading your bullshit".
Now, as luck would have it, I am fluent in the coarse dialect of his alien tongue and was able to decode his cave-drawing of a message to mean, "Kristin, I think that perhaps you're a little too glib and off-the-cuff on your blog than you are in real life, and I'd like to see more of that side of you on Fertile. Why don't you do that?"
Because Duh.
Why oh why in the name of all that is holy would I ever want to do that?
Time for bed, Y'all. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.
Glib's all right, but sensitive and thoughtful is good too. Right now, Naked Bacon is a chore, what with Blog 365... I can only really drop mad lyrics when I am pissed...
So, glib is better than angry Scooter Rants, at least.
I rather enjoy angry Scooter rants.
I personally enjoy rants and other angry bullshit. It's my style.
Yes God does have a sense of humor, I think.
No I like your personality, no mushy rainbows over here please. More sadistic stories from the train...
God is a fat unhappy bully.
That picture makes you look like an angel. This is why I love melatonin and ambien.
lemme guess....
you were googling your ex?
Man, this has been my story all week
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