Friday, December 21, 2007

New Years Resolution #1: I will not be bitter, jaded and a know-it-all with regard to the perceived naivete in the idiotic romantic notions of others

Yes, I've already started to stockpile these "goals" in support of last week's post referencing 2008 kicking the ass of a certain year which is about to end.

Conversation overheard in work cafeteria this morning:

Girl 1: He made me sushi last night. Sushi. Can you believe it? He. Made. Me. Sushi.

Girl 2 (notably impressed): Is he a keeper?

Girl 1: Of course! I plan to be engaged by February.

Girl 2: Did you give him that timeline?

Girl 1: Oh, yes. I thought you knew all about this? We've already picked out the ring
and everything.

Girl 3 (brown-haired single mom with nose ring and clutching hot Starbucks and bagel, muttering under her breath):
Ya. Duh. Good luck.

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