I joined a free dating site because
a. I'm afraid of online dating and don't want to make any real commitment to it.
b. I'm cheap.
I can say quite assuredly that there is a reason some of the "real" sites charge money for their services. Let's just say that free dating sites tend to attract a certain type of gentleman. That's to say, a douchebag.
Here I've compiled a list of my top favorite screen names of dudes in my area. They all sound like such fantastic prospects, I simply don't know how to choose.
1. BeneficialFriend
2. Goodbod7
3. Powerdude
4. HersheyNYC
5. Gunygugu
6. Modernclasic
7. Needspanking
8. BadBoyRocker1958
9. Earwig1965
10. Articulatebear
11. Mrafection
12. funguynycny
13. eetu4fun (this is my personal favorite)
14. italianteddy93
15. isthereanyoneoutthere
A Time To Go
5 years ago
The only word your aunt bunny could speak after your uncle gus found her in the woods.
NSFW...(language) it is here, you will learn about Gunygugu
Sometimes it is good to come to the realisation that it's time to stop flogging the dead horse, but knowing that it's time doesn't make it any easier.
but hope, even if not always obvious seems to bubble from your writing (bubble? ooze?) - at least what i've read so far
i was going to make a joke about "goodbod7" being my screenname and how offended i was that you were making fun of it, but then i saw "earwig1965" and i laughed.
so never mind.
are you nuts?
go for Modernclasic,
This dood is SO Modern- he doesn't even need 2 s's to get the point across!
Thanks for the eddie murphy clip...new insight into gunygugu!
Bananna, Thanks, I think I'm hopeful, but I'm never sure I come across that way...
You just can't make that shit up.
I think I'm gonna start stalking earwig. Just for fun.
Totally. I love Modernclasic too. The thing is, why limit it to one "s", when they give you enough space to choose a screenname like "SteveissensitiveNYC"? He's a real guy too. Oy vey.
What? I didn't make the list? I'm stayhard69, btw. I got something for your inbox, baby!
Needspanking sounds like a good time…steer away from isthereanyoneouttherre, sounds desperate. Hmmm I’d go for hersheynyc, I like chocolate…
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